Friday, 9 October 2015

Today I was fortunate enough to have a local fishing enthusiast let me tag along and get familiar with the Cowichan River.  Having spent many years fishing the brown trout fishery on the grand river in Ontario I was not prepared for the beauty the Cowichan river had to offer. Fishing a cobblestone river with mountains in the background is only something I have read about and not experienced myself.

Furthermore, the trail to the river passes through a forest which was exceptionally green with moss covered trees, moss on the forest floor, an abundance of ferns as well as various fungi.

The weather fluctuated from rainy to very rainy all day, given the rain it was not shocking to see a variety of amphibians.  Being a salamander enthusiast, I was excited when my fishing partner mentioned seeing a salamander while eating lunch (I was fishing of time for food) but was deeply saddened when we could not re-find it (this was a fishing trip so we could not spend too much time herping).  We did come across a western toad (Bufo boreas) as well as what I am sure was an adult red-legged frog (Rana aurora)...unfortunately I was not fast enough at catching it for a photo to confirm.

The fishing was not fantastic but I did manage to hook a rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), however I never got it in the net. My fishing partner landed 3 with this 14" being the highlight.

Bird species seen on this trip include:

American Dipper
Pacific Wren
Common Merganser

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